Today’s “Over Complication” of the Planted Tank.

Is it just me or has the planted tank become a little over complicated.  There has been a surge of popularity amongst the aquarist with planted tanks in recent year, and this can be vividly seen amongst all the youtube channels and videos devoted to this genre.  Also the numerous competitions out there where planted…

Bacopa Caroliniana (Lemon Bacopa) Hardiness:  Easy Lighting: Low to Medium Positioning:  Midground Growth rate:  Moderate Size:  6 to 12″ This beautiful plant has been a fixture in the hobby for a long time now, and to this day still remains one of the more commonly available aquatic plants offered in retail.  The unique and eye…

Didiplis diandra (Water Hedge) Hardiness:  Medium Lighting: Moderate to High Positioning:  Midground Growth rate:  Moderate Size:  6 to 12″ A gorgeous little stem plant that doesn’t get to tall but is known for it’s nice bushy consistent growth.  Since it’s not an overpowering stem plant and not a very fast grower as say a Hygro…

Lysimachia nummularia

Lysimachia nummularia (Golden Creeping Jenny) Hardiness:  Easy Lighting:  Low to moderate Positioning:  Midground Growth rate:  Moderate Size:  12″+ A beautiful round leaf stem plants which adds great depth and contrast within a planted setup, especially for “Dutch” style displays.  The round paddle like leaves contrast great when separating more fine leaf plants such as Cabombas,…

Riccia fluitans

Riccia fluitans Hardiness:  Easy to Moderate Lighting:  Moderate to High Positioning:  Surface and Carpeting Growth rate:  Fast Beautiful branching type moss which grows on the surface but is usually used by aquascapers weighed down on surfaces such as rock and wood with meshing.  Amano popularized it when he first presented this way but it does…

The beautiful Mayaca fluviatilis!

Mayaca fluviatilis Hardiness:  Moderate Lighting:  Moderate to High Positioning:  Midground Growth rate:  Moderate Size:  12″ – 18″ sometime higher A beautifully delicate looking plant, which makes a great midground addition to any planted tank. Although it can grow pretty tall, it’s delicate thin stems make it more suitable as a complimentary midground plant rather than…